
Before & After

A few of the spaces I have worked on with my clients



Shed declutter & sort

Newtown, Wellington

June 2019

Before: All manner of items had been dumped in the shed.

Before: All manner of items had been dumped in the shed.

After: Nothing in the way of the doors & everything has a home.

After: Nothing in the way of the doors & everything has a home.

After: Table & chair for the crafts station. And now home to a couple of items that need to be kept dry.

After: Table & chair for the crafts station. And now home to a couple of items that need to be kept dry.

After: Craft supplies and keepsakes. All categorised and labelled.

After: Craft supplies and keepsakes. All categorised and labelled.



Girls bedroom declutter & tidy

Island Bay, Wellington

March 2019

Before: Not able to easily reach the bookcase or window.

Before: Not able to easily reach the bookcase or window.

After: Books neatly away and toys culled & the to keeps categorised in storage cubes.

After: Books neatly away and toys culled & the to keeps categorised in storage cubes.

Before: Things being piled on things as there was too much stuff to fit for the space.

Before: Things being piled on things as there was too much stuff to fit for the space.

After: Everything (and everyone) has a home. All easy to get to, use and put away again.

After: Everything (and everyone) has a home. All easy to get to, use and put away again.



Garage declutter & categorise

Mt Victoria, Wellington

January 2019

Before: Lots of bits & pieces for items which were no longer in the clients possession, or which they were no longer interested in eg - car gear, sports equipment

Before: Lots of bits & pieces for items which were no longer in the clients possession, or which they were no longer interested in eg - car gear, sports equipment

After: Everything categorised and labelled. Write different items on separate pieces of tape, in case some items move between boxes. That way you can just move the label across.

After: Everything categorised and labelled. Write different items on separate pieces of tape, in case some items move between boxes. That way you can just move the label across.

Before: Not bad, but lots of stuff was not longer being used, so a declutter was in order

Before: Not bad, but lots of stuff was not longer being used, so a declutter was in order

After: Keeping luggage under cover with a tarp, to avoid dust and in case of a leak

After: Keeping luggage under cover with a tarp, to avoid dust and in case of a leak



Desk space & writing refuge

Island Bay, Wellington

March 2019

Before: The desk had become a dumping ground for so much that belonged elsewhere. Clothes and incoming parcels & mail were the main culprits.

Before: The desk had become a dumping ground for so much that belonged elsewhere. Clothes and incoming parcels & mail were the main culprits.

After: By decluttering the wardrobe and finding a new home for some other bits, we freed up space for the clients writing. Incoming courier parcels found a new home in a basket beside the desk.

After: By decluttering the wardrobe and finding a new home for some other bits, we freed up space for the clients writing. Incoming courier parcels found a new home in a basket beside the desk.



A big shed sort

Melrose, Wellington

October 2019

Before: So much stuff in the corner that it was hard to know what was at the back.

Before: So much stuff in the corner that it was hard to know what was at the back.

After: Everything has a home and everything in boxes is categorised & labelled.

After: Everything has a home and everything in boxes is categorised & labelled.

After: Repurposing a curious creation that the previous home owner has built. Perfect for storing tools. A couple of bottles full of water prevent tools from tipping over.

After: Repurposing a curious creation that the previous home owner has built. Perfect for storing tools. A couple of bottles full of water prevent tools from tipping over.

Before: The most inaccessible of corners.

Before: The most inaccessible of corners.

After: The pinball machine now accessible for repairing, doors easy to get to for use in upcoming renovations and all the paints in one place

After: The pinball machine now accessible for repairing, doors easy to get to for use in upcoming renovations and all the paints in one place

Before: Lots of gardening gear to go through and doors blocking some storage cabinets up top.

Before: Lots of gardening gear to go through and doors blocking some storage cabinets up top.

After: Everything is easily accessed and most importantly - easy to put away after use.

After: Everything is easily accessed and most importantly - easy to put away after use.